Monday, July 16, 2018

5 Types of Friends You Should Avoid

I am going to discuss the 5 types of friends I have met which are best to avoid. They are unhealthy to your social life and usually cause unnecessary issues. This will be a continuous series so you will see more of these!  Tell me if you like this type of content! Also, I now take requests for topics that you want me to write about -- my contact information is on the contact page. 

1. The Deserter  

You know that time where you plan a meet up with your friend and on the day of, they decide to not show up without giving any notification. They either make a poor excuse or they decide to leave your chat on seen when messaged and flat our ignore the situation. It's even more hilarious when this friend is the person who made the plans from the start and then they decided to not show up. This type of friend does not value your company and friendship. Furthermore, they make you feel like total shit when you are standing at the meet up spot and you realize they have ditched you. 

After being in this situation several times and you have decided to continue being their friends, I can understand that an individual would want to get back at them. The best revenge in this situation would be to make a back up plan when you are making plans with the deserter. By making a back up plan, when they ditch you, you continue to your plan B. By doing this, from past experiences, I have seen that it does have an impact on the deserter because they feel jealous and/or annoyed that you easily moved on to something else. It pretty much shows that you do not give a fuck about what they did (even if you did) and you have better things to do. 

2. The Juvenile 

This friend is fun to hang out with in social environments because their childish and free-spirited until you realize that it's gone to far. They handle every situation, including conflicts in the most immature way possible, to the point that it's getting on your nerves or causing more problems. They do not know how to take responsibility or be accountable for their actions. You confront them about their immaturity in a respectful manner and they don't take that well so, they respond to it by talking behind your back with other friends, posting it on social media, or lashing out. Furthermore, due to their immaturity, they have lack of control when it comes to emotions. These types of friends are good for the amusement but they are not long-term friendships that would be sustainable. My tip for friendships is that you should be looking for friends for a long-term association. Short-term friends are a waste of time. If you can't see yourself associating with this person 10 years from now, maybe you should reconsider if you want to put your efforts in the friendship. 

3.  The Rival 

This friend could be a good person at first but eventually starts competing with you for everything and it starts to become very annoying. School, work, social environment, anything that you can calculate who is better is exactly where the rival strikes. They have nothing positive to offer you as a friend. Except being happy for your success and achievements, they spend their time comparing it with themselves. Most of the time, especially with my experience, you can start to notice their competitive nature and it starts to get to you. Friends are happy for you when you achieve or succeed at something, not think badly of you or themselves because they haven't achieved it. 

4. The Live Actor/Actress   

This is the friend who takes movies and television shows to the next level. They crave the drama and conflicts they see on the big screen to their everyday lives. They create drama regularly or get involved in other people's drama to add excitement into their own lives. From my personal experience, this person will admit that their lives are boring without some type of drama or conflict in their lifestyle. You will see this friend trying to pour oil in to the fire by making situations worse that don't involve them. Furthermore, they will blame the conflicts they have caused to other people because they are unable to take responsibility for themselves. This type of friend should be exterminated from everyone's friends list. Due to the live actor's/actresses behaviour, you can lose friends due to the misunderstandings and they do not contribute anything positive into your lifestyle. 

5.  The Fabricator 

This is the friend who lies or manufactures details that does not exist. They add extra invalid information to make their life seem more appealing and/or prominent. It's those small little details within the story that they lie about. For example, they say that there going to a university to study a particular program. But in actuality, they are going to the college located within the university, but the fabricator decided to use that information to their advantage and state the universities name when questioned by others. Another example would be when you are hanging out with someone and to make your meet up seem more fascinating, the fabricator would add in events that did not happen. This type of friend is not honest and is insecure about themselves. When approached, they would call it, "little white lies" but in actuality, it's just flat-out lying. If you don't want to present the listener with accurate information, don't give any information at all. Honesty is the best policy.